Enrichment classes in Art, Music, and Spanish are taught in relation to the Montessori curriculum. These enrichment classes are included in the program.
The children study various artists, periods, movement, and style. Artwork is based from their study of a period and artist. Different art mediums such as clay, acrylic, oil, watercolor, chalk, and more, are used to create the children’s artwork. Individual creativity is encouraged through independent child-directed art activities.
Study of artistic styles and artists during the following art periods include
- Renaissance – Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and more…
- Baroque – Diego Velazquez, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Rembrandt van Rijin, and more…
- Neoclassicism - J.A.D. Ingres, Jacques-Louis David, Anton Raphael Mengs, and more…
- Romanticism – Fransisco de Goya, Caspar David Friedrich, John Constable,J.M.W. Turner, William Blake and more
- Impressionism - Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley , Pierre-Auguste Renoir., Camille Pissarro, Frederic Bazille, Edgar Degas, Gustave Caillebotte, Edouard Manet, and the American Mary Cassatt.
- Abstract Expressionism- Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Arshile Gorkyand more..
- Modernism - Wassily Kandinsky , Franz Marc, George Grosz Amadeo Modigliani, and more…

The children learn and sing various songs including children’s songs, Broadway, standards, and other contemporary songs. The children learn about the aspects of theater and performing on a stage. MCDC conducts a Children's Musical Theater.
Children are introduced to notation, composers, music around the world, instruments of the orchestra, and rhythm band. Study of music masters include
- Renaissance – Giovanni Gabriel
Baroque – Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi
Classical – Ludwig van Beethoven, Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Romantic – Johannes Brahms, Hector Berloiz, Camille Saint-Saenz, Richard Staruss and more..
- Modern – Charles Ives, Igor Stravinsky, Paul Hindemith, Fred Grofe and more…
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world with 392 million Spanish-speaking people in 22 countries. The ability to communicate in the native language of so many will give your child a tremendous advantage throughout his or her life. Learning a second language opens learning pathways in a young child's brain that remain permanently encoded. Children will benefit from this encoding all of their lives A variety of techniques, including building a base of phonemic awareness and a familiarity with basic vocabulary through songs, games and play are introduced.
On site professional instructors teach activities that are offered at MCDC. Classes are conducted once a week for approximately 30 minutes. Tuition, date, and time varies per class.
Little Star Sports is designed around the child having a complete experience. Gross motor skills, two ball sports, muscle tone, physical fitness, and various activities which enhance hand eye coordination and brain development are compiled into one action packed 30 min class, making it a fun and positive learning experience. This class offers the child a variety of sports namely soccer, hockey, football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, golf and lacrosse. It starts with the basic fundamentals of each sport working toward well-developed skills and games. Each sport is carefully broken down so the child understands all the basic elements.
WEBBY Dance Company® is a family-owned and operated company that began in 1975 in Southern California. Through creative movement, Dance, Gymanstics, Cheer and Yoga, WEBBY Dance Company® provides children the opportunity to build self-confidence, creativity and coordination. WEBBY classes are conveniently held on-site each week at your child’s school. Complimentary demonstration classes at your school are a great way to learn more about our program. Enroll today and come join the fun!
PIANO, GUITAR, and UKULELE By Taylor Guitar Lessons, LLC.
Taylor Guitar Lessons helps children learn to read music quickly using different methods of teaching to interplay musical terms with your child. Basic music fundamentals, notes, rhythm, keyboard training, and singing are taught. Children will learn to play and perform a variety of songs for their family and friends. Basic keyboard training, semi private, private piano, and private voice lessons are offered. A recital is held at school.
Soccer Shots is a national soccer program designed for children 3-8 years old to introduce them to the game of soccer. Soccer Shots not only teaches children the basic skills of soccer but places a high emphasis on character development as well. Thousands of children throughout the United States each year experience the fun and excitement of Soccer Shots! www.soccershotsoc.com